Monday, 8 April 2013

Wonorejo Dam

The Wonorejo Dam is located in the Village Wonorejo, District Pagerwojo, Regency Tulungagung, East Java. The dam has an area 3.85 million square meters and is one of the largest dam se-East Asia. Dam which was inaugurated on June 21, 2001 is always crowded with tourists from within and outside the city Tulungagung. Even the number of tourist arrivals data show positive trends each month, which is in the range of hundreds of visitors perbulan. If calculated, in one year there are at least 3,000 recorded visitors who want to enjoy the beauty of this dam.
However, the assumption of the tourists can more when the organizer of the dam tour and pemkab called party of the people, such as dangdut stage and some local traditional arts. Number of visits shall be penetrated 15,000 per year. The arrival of tourists is not without reason. Previously Tourism Office, Arts and Culture District Tulungagung been industriously polishing and promote tourism potential existence Wonorejo Dam.
In this dam is equipped Supporting facilities for travelers, such as lodging, restaurants, jogging track, garden, family recreation, and transportation lines leading convenience location eligible to go through various types of vehicles. Once opened to the public as a tourist area, every visitor coming into the reservoir must pay Rp 2.000/orang. After passing the entrance, visitors staying to travel about a mile to reach the dam.
Apart from tourism, the presence of dams carrying capacity of 122 million cubic meters also has several important functions. Function, among others, provide raw water to the Industrial Water District (PDAM) Surabaya by 8 cubic meters per second, undertakes 6.02 megawatts of power generation, flood handling Tulungagung district covering 1,479 hectares, and support agricultural irrigation for local rice 1,200 hectares and also as a fishery.

If you want to go to Wonorejo Dam, you can contact Bunafit Tours on


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